A playground audit initial comprehensive examination of your playground. An audit is more detailed than a playground inspection. Audits by a Certified Playground Safety Inspectors (CPSI) should be conducted after installation of new equipment, after major repairs or modifications are made, and when industry standards change. The audit report is written proof of your organization’s concern for the well-being of the children on the playground. An Audit will help to keep your playground safe for the children who use it, and they help to protect your organization legally.
- Electronic documentation of all audits including photographs of play environment, compliance issues, violations or compliance recommendations
- Performed by a Certified Playground (CPSI)
- Detailed inspection of play structure to determine industry standards and guidelines established by ASTM American Society for Testing Materials) and the CPSC (Consumer Products Safety Commission)
- Inspection of the entire play environment and other amenities including but not limited to benches, tables, walkways and play equipment
- Pictures and a narrative description of the current conditions of the area, and recommendations for corrective action.
Standard of Care outline for a continuing safety management plan.